
All players playing Tennis Gold Coast Fixtures need to be registered (each season) with Tennis Gold Coast

2024 Individual Player Registrations (per season):
SEASON 2 - Register & Pay Here - from JULY 1, 2024

If you are signing up for the first time (you are yet to obtain a Tennis Australia ID, e.g. TA ID No. 66333.......), please use an email address & password that you will remember, as you will need to use the same details later, to log into Match Centre (to monitor your draws, scores, statistics, etc, and/or to register for another Fixture season later in the year, or next year).
If you already have a TA ID (Match Centre account), then you will use those Login details, on the Tennis Gold Coast Memberships page, to sign in - then pay your Registration Fee for this season.

Click here to login into your Tennis Australia Account/Match Centre or create a new Tennis Australia Account
(if you haven't already done so, ... NOTE: Don't create a 2nd, or 3rd TA ID / Match Centre Account, as duplicate accounts create major headaches down the track). It is COMPULSORY NOW to have a Match Centre account starting with 66333.... (Tennis Australia refers to this, along with linking your UTR account, as your Competitive Player Profile), & you must have it linked to your UTR, or you will be unable to be added to a team in our competitions.

First time users - You'll need to create a login - which then gives you a Tennis Account number starting with 66333.
If you first went into the Tennis Gold Coast Memberships (Fixture Registrations) page, & paid your Registration, the Login (email & password) you used there will be the one you need to log in to your Match Centre Account.
To find the draws, see players statistics, view players Universal Tennis Rating (UTR).

2024 Season 2 Dates (not including spare final) -
Season 2 - 13 July - 30th November - Team Nominations close Saturday 22nd June, 2024
- This season will include 14 rounds plus a semifinals and finals round (a total of 16 rounds not including the spare final date).
Teams consist of minimum 2 players - Singles & Doubles. 3 players recommended per team, to avoid forfeits, & minimise chasing fill-ins.

Saturday Pennant - (Open age, except Pennant 1 players must be over the age of 13).
Cost: There is no Team Registration Fee, but each player needs to pay an individual Player Registration Fee, for the season, via the TGC Membership/Registration webpage of $80 (14 rounds, plus Semi's & Final).
Competition Fees $40 per team on the day (no matter how many players you use).

Format - Singles best of 2 tie break sets - a 7pt tie break to be played at 6 games all, with a 2pt margin. If a set all, a 10pt match tiebreak will be played, with a 2pt margin. Doubles 1 Pro Set - first to 9 games - a 7pt tiebreak to be played at 8 games all, with a 2pt margin.
Play commences at 1 pm (approx finish 5 pm if on one court)
Saturday Pennant Scorecard - Download here

Saturday Sections (17/U) & Green Ball - (12/U)
Costs: There is no Team Registration Fee, but each player needs to pay an individual Player Registration Fee, via the TGC Membership/Registration webpage of $80 (14 rounds, plus Semi's & Final).
Competition Fees $30 per team on the day (no matter how many players you use).

Format - Singles 1 Set - first to 6 games, a 7pt tie break to be played at 5 games all. Doubles 1 Set - first to 6 games, a 7pt tie break to be played at 5 games all.
Section 1 - 5, predominantly play at 12.30 pm (approx 2hrs of play)
Section 6 - 10 & Green Ball 1 - 4, predominantly play at 2.45 pm (approx 2hrs of play)
Saturday Section & Green Ball Scorecard - Download here

2 Seasons per year - 2024 Season 1 (Feb 8 - June 13), 2024 Season 2 (July 11 - Nov 21)
2024 Season 2: Team Nominations Close: Thursday, 20th June, 2024.
Season 2 commences: 11th July, 2024 - This season will include 14 rounds plus a semifinals and finals round - (a total of 16 rounds not including the spare finals date).

Costs: There is no Team Registration Fee, but each player needs to pay an individual Player Registration Fee, via the TGC Membership/Registration webpage of $80 (14 rounds, plus Semi's & Final).
Competition Fee $40 per team on the night, (no matter how many players you use).

Teams consist of minimum 2 players - Singles & Doubles. 3 players recommended per team, to avoid forfeits, & minimise chasing fill-ins.
All Divisions are Pennant (Open Age).
Format - 2 Singles & 1 Doubles, both Singles players play 1 Pro Set - first to 9 games - a 7pt tie break to be played at 8 games all, with a 2pt margin.
Doubles is the same format, & can use any 2 players (both, one, or neither of the Singles players in the team).
Play commences at 7 pm (approx finish, 9.30 pm if on one court)
Thursday Night Scorecard - Download here

Results & Ladders